QuiteRSS is free Mac software that enables one to quickly read RSS or Atom feed on a Mac without requiring installation of an additional application. It works with Internet services such as RSS 2.0 as well as iPhones. It is written in C++ using Open XML Library and uses XHTML language. It can be used for reading feeds on all types of devices that support the Mac format such as the iPhone and iPod Touch. It works with any browser that supports Mac compatibility and has no plug-in required to read RSS data from iPhones or other iOS devices.
QuiteRSS features over 60 million listings, which is more than half of the world's newspapers and magazines. Readers who are interested in various topics can easily browse through these categories and subscriptions. The application provides options for reading feeds on iPhones, iPads, iPod Touch, Firefox and ChromeOS devices. Hence, it is quite convenient to manage subscriptions, as one does not have to go to a computer every time they want to update their news.
Apart from being a fast and convenient way to update one's feed, QuiteRSS also provides many other useful features such as automatic bookmarking and browsing of recent changes. In addition, the application also provides options for creating new articles and even writing one's own. QuiteRSS software has quitterss, which enable one to browse through the most recently accessed and viewed items and read them instantly without having to open the RSS reader again. Moreover, quitterss is a useful tool for helping one manage multiple feeds and events simultaneously.